Landscape Photography
1. You can look at google maps to learn more about your location and where it is located and what is around it. 2. Photographer's Ephemeris is a good app to use to find pick the best angle. 3. The biggest problem shooting with a zoom lens is that it can cause distortion. 4. You can use the latest digital SLRs and you can use also use the Light Room software. 5. You should always carry a plastic bag, a cloth, and microfiber towel. 6. Pre-scouting helps you get a feel for the location and figure out different angles and places that you can take pictures. 7. Composition is more important than the subject. 8. Adding elements to the composition can enhance the photo. 9. Black and white can make the image more dramatic or monochromatic. 10. If you go back to the same location you can know where the good spots to take pictures are.