Black and White Photographers 3
1) This picture caught my eye because you can feel movement in the river. I like how the photographer included many different aspects in the photo.
2) I see the mountains in the background with the clouds hovering above them. I also see the river flowing throughout the picture. The sun is hiding within the clouds in the background. I smell the fumes from the forest of trees nearby. I smell the fresh water as it flows to the ocean. The fresh smell of flowers enters my nose. I hear the birds and owls hiding in the forest. I hear the water hit the land nearby. The buzz of bugs flying around my face catches my ear. I taste the humidity from the clouds above me. As the water flows below my mouth waters for some fresh water. I taste the fresh water from nearby. I feel the cool breeze blowing across the mountain top. I feel the spiky pines from the trees poking me as I walk to set up my camera. I feel the condensation from the clouds above the mountains touch my skin making me sweat.
1) This photo caught my eye because of how the one leaf in the middle stands out from the rest. I like how the photographer included many leaves and some pine lost in the picture.
2) I see the leaves all piled up on top of some pine and maybe some rosemary. I also see the microscopic drops of water hidden in the leaves. I also see the different sizes of leaves all in the picture. I smell the strong scent of pines from the tree the leaves lay on. I smell the rosemary hidden below the pile of leaves beneath the tree. I smell the pine cones hanging from the trees surrounding me. I hear the chirping birds calling out of the nearby trees. I hear the squirrels crawling into the trees and burrowing into them. I hear the crunch as I walk over a leaf and it tears apart under my feet echoing in the forest. I taste the strong taste of the savory rosemary falling along the ground from the plants. I taste the sweet water dew dripping from the leaves from the last rain. I taste the gross taste of the bark from the trees everywhere. I feel the breeze go through the forest gently making me unbalanced. I feel the mosquitos flying all around me hurting my skin and making me itch. I also feel
the wet condensation from the clouds above me hitting my dry skin.
3) I think I could introduce this photographer to the school by making a poster with all of the photographers awesome shots. I could introduce how my photographer makes most of his pictures black and white to put some drama behind them. I would want to show my classmates and the school about how the photographer tells a story with each photo and who you can create your own with all the details and nature shown in each picture.
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