Portraits and Self Portraits Intro

Another element of randomness that you can introduce to your portraits is the way that you light them. There are almost unlimited possibilities when it comes to using light in portraits.
Side-lighting can create mood, backlighting and silhouetting your subject to hide their features can be powerful.
Unobtrusive candids seek to be fly-on-the-wall images that catch people going about their business seemingly unaware of the camera and the photographer. This yields images that are more toward the objective end of the objective/subjective continuum, though there is not, of course, any photograph made by a human that is completely objective. Candids with consent, made when the photographer is actively engaged with the subject and the subject is conscious of this involvement, are very different. Photographs are records of the photographer's relationship with his or her subject. In consensual candids, the relationship can be either obvious (the subject looks directly into the camera) or subtle—the relationship is implied because the image feels more intimate. We sense that the photographer was physically close to the subject and that the person was aware of being photographed. 
Image result for environmental portraitImage result for environmental portrait
I liked the first photo and picked it because the girl is holding a soccer ball and I love to play soccer. I picked the second picture because I thought the idea was funny and I love camels so it was cool to see a camel in the picture. 
Image result for photography self portraitImage result for photography self portrait
I liked the first photo because it had flowers surrounding the girl and the picture was in focus. I like the second photo because it shows a different perspective and it is in really good focus. Image result for casual portraitRelated image
I like the first photo because the background is very simple and the lighting and clarity of the picture is nice. I like the second picture because the focus is very good and the background is blurred out so your can tell that she is the subject of the picture.

I will probably shoot my friend, Sadie or one of my other friends. I will shoot the pictures behind my house because there is a lot of greenery there. When I'm taking my self portrait I will use my tripod and take a picture outside so that I can get nice lighting. I will make sure my photos are successful by checking to make sure the exposure is correct and taking a lot of photos so that at least a couple will work.


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